Hi everyone! My name’s Molly. I work here at Greyburne’s—I’m the only one, actually, it’s a pretty small shop—I take care of whatever Mr. Greyburne can't get to when he's busy with uh… whatever it is that he does when he’s not around. I’m really excited to meet you all, and to get to show you all of the fascinating stuff here as we slowly get the website up to speed!
Now for a little teasing.
This picture is a sneak peek at the first product that’s going online this Monday, and I so wish I could show it to you right now. Unfortunately, Mr. Greyburne says that build up is everything, and I’ve got to be patient, and I guess that means you will too! What’s even worse, he doesn’t let me read the Testimonials early, even though I work here. I’ve already finished part two and I can’t believe I have to wait until next Friday to read part three. But that’s life I guess. Anyway, bye for now. I’m sure I’ll be hearing from you all soon!
- Molly