P.T. Lyfantod is a man with more occupations than he knows what to do with. He's a detective, a bard (the musically magical sort), and he's got a very strong hunch that he may just be the latest in a long line of royal faerie frogs-you know, like the ones in the stories. But he can't know for sure, because he's never met his father.
As such things go, this is probably a good sign.
When he learns there's to be a council for peace between the two halves of the long-divided Court of Frogs, Lyfantod sees what may be his only chance— to learn the truth, to bond with or confront his father depending on how things go, to find out whether he possesses the latent ability to shapeshift and what size of frog he'd be if he does (he's hoping for hill-sized).
Together with his loyal but prickly companion, Calder O'Dwyer, nutritionist for the aged, Lyfantod sets off into Rannoch Moor in the remote regions of the Scottish Highlands on a heroic journey of self-discovery. What he finds there may just change him forever. At least, that's what he's hoping.
A novella, approx 108 pages