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EVENTS, CAMPAIGNS, AND NEWS — Transfiguration Grade 4

The Best Place to Buy Magic Textbooks | Greyburne's Exclusive!

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Parents! It's Christmas time, and your kids are wishing they were off practicing magic at a certain school of Witchcraft and Wizardry--whiling their days away learning spells, playing wizard's chess, and drinking pumpkin juice. You wonder, where can I buy magical textbooks? I've seen it time and again. And I can help. Transfiguration Textbooks at Greyburne's are the perfect solution to your holiday dilemma. Handmade, hardcover, and professionally bound, they're the perfect accompaniment to your wizard's robes and magic wand--perhaps along with one of our bottomless bags. Best of all, the brownies who made them replaced the interior with 96 high quality, pristine, cream-colored...

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            They say that one man’s misfortune is another man's opportunity.  Those are, I have long found, words to live by.           Perhaps you’ve heard of Reverie Larkin.  Powerful.  Older gentleman.  Member of City Council.  Lives in a big old house on a high hill—and to the best of my knowledge, possesses the largest, most extensive collection of books on or related to magic anywhere in the city.  The library at Barrows School of course falling outside municipal limits.  It appears he also has something of an infestation.      ...

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