Pressing Questions, Answered
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A number of you now, some returning customers, others who stumbled upon the shop, or the first installment of the story of Fenn, have reached out in private to ask me questions. They are generally along the lines of: Just what is it you’re doing here? Is any of what you say true? You must be making it up. Who makes the stuff in your shop, really? Where are you getting it from? And variations on the same. I thought it high time to give you an answer. As for the first question the answer is both simple and complicated....
The Best Place to Buy Magic Textbooks | Greyburne's Exclusive!
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Parents! It's Christmas time, and your kids are wishing they were off practicing magic at a certain school of Witchcraft and Wizardry--whiling their days away learning spells, playing wizard's chess, and drinking pumpkin juice. You wonder, where can I buy magical textbooks? I've seen it time and again. And I can help. Transfiguration Textbooks at Greyburne's are the perfect solution to your holiday dilemma. Handmade, hardcover, and professionally bound, they're the perfect accompaniment to your wizard's robes and magic wand--perhaps along with one of our bottomless bags. Best of all, the brownies who made them replaced the interior with 96 high quality, pristine, cream-colored...
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M IS FOR MAGIC. Despite the outward appearance of internal strife at the Guild, their detectives are at as hard of work as ever when it comes to putting the kibosh on the underground dueling scene, and the infamous Duelist's Club has pretty much got a monopoly on that particular pastime in this neck of the woods. Considering the amount of effort the Club puts into security—never holding a bout in the same place twice, keeping the locations in the strictest confidence, concealing and repelling charms, and all manner of defenses—it's surprising how often they get raided. It just...
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Master Wax, purveyor of purses, pouches, portmanteaus… and various other contrivances for carting things around whose names do not begin with ‘P.’ When Master Wax introduced his Bottomless Bags, the only P-Word that came to mind was problems. They were numerous. Shall I list them? Let’s start with the superficial. The design, while eye-catching, was so obvious, so overt that no self-respecting member of the magical community—who loath such simplistic and limiting definition but nonetheless do require some convenient method of allusion—would ever be seen carrying one in public. By their reckoning, they’d be outing themselves—either as more or...